Find the Perfect Fit for Your Budget

Choose from our range of flexible pricing options that cater to your specific needs.


Basic Plan

Delivered in 7 to 10 days

Delivered in 7-10 days
Full Project
Table of Content
1 Page summary of your work so you can understand the work.



Delivered in 5 to 7 days

Everything in Basic Plan
Delivered in 5-7 days
Two supervisor corrections



Delivered within 48 hours

Everything in Basic Plan
Delivered within 48 hours
Unlimited Corrections
Project Topic Included

How Does it Work?

Once you make your payment, either half payment or full payment, we will quickly write the first part of your project (Background of the study, statement of the problems, the aim and objectives and finally the hypothesis). Once your supervisor approves it, we will finish up the project. If you have any other requirements, let us know through our contact us.
Right now, we only cover students in Education, Arts, Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences and a few others. Contact us to know if your department is covered.

Student Experiences

Feel Free to Ask us Anything

Our organization’s goal is to simplify the process of producing a well-crafted project for both you and your supervisor stress-free.

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